the colour green

By jukeys

roaring fire

It took me a while, but finally managed to get the fire going. Actually, it was dad who got it blasting in the end. I'd had a few attempts but because I had only wet-ish bits of wood, there was no chance. It kept almost getting there and then going out. Dad called in late this afternoon and chucked a whole load of cardboard stuff on, a few more damp-ish sticks and a couple of big, dry logs. It worked!

In other news, I went into Nyons this morning to see Stephanie. Hadn't seen her for months, so it was lovely to catch up. Martine joined us too and I'm already invited to her club's Christmas do on the 5th of December. I have to bring a typical British Christmassy thing. Was going to bake another Christmas cake unless any of you nice blippers have any ideas? Gingerbread men, maybe?

Spent the rest of the afternoon in front of the computer. I'll get square eyes at this rate. The weather's crap again today anyway - cold, wet and grey.

A wee Skype with Pierre and now I could easily just fall asleep...

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