Storm Damage

I blipped this house on Nov. 22, 2011. LOOK HERE. But, as you can see here...our recent storm inflicted some more damage.

I missed my chance today. A local TV crew was interviewing the owner of the property. The reporter left her, and approached me.

"I see you're taking pictures. Are you a local, and do you mind if we ask you a few questions?"

I let vanity get in the way. (I hadn't shaved this morning. Some men wear it well...I don't.")

"I would just as soon not be on camera...but thanks." Plus...what am I going to say with the owner standing there...that I think it should have been torn down 30 years ago?

I took my pictures, and headed for my van. This time...both the reporter and the cameraman yelled across the lawn. "C'mon...just give us 15 seconds...the viewers won't see that you haven't shaved! It doesn't show up on camera!" Again I declined...this time with a wave of my hand.

I always wished that somebody...anybody...could have taken this house, and turned it into something like a Bed & Breakfast. would take millions of dollars. I just think it is too far gone to be saved, and I think this latest damage is going to force the city to take some kind of action.

Sad...but I think the old girl has lost her bones...lost her innards. Her foundation is shaky, and I'm afraid she's going to have to come down.

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