Keith B

By keibr

Is this a learning space?

In some way this is more a journal entry than a photo entry.
I've been in Umeå at the university for a conference and we went to look at the new learning space. In essence it's a large open space, broken by curtains into two areas. In one area (photographed here) it's mostly chairs of various designs, all on (lockable) wheels. This seems to be a space for individuals. In the other area (maybe I'll take a photo there tomorrow) there are tables, cushions, partitions, all movable. The students, or anyone else for that matter, can create a space for group work simply by shifting furniture etc until they get a space they feel is suitable.
The idea seems almost childishly simple but seems very effective with suitable furniture and an element of "go with flow". Why design 10 small rooms for group work when you can design a space that can used by 1, 5, or 20 people.

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