
By phlog

Lectio Divina

A self-portrait in morning meditation.

Frankly, I can't imagine why I would either make or share such a photograph. Nevertheless, look here!

Perhaps, now in my 6th decade, I have become more interested in knowing who I am than I am in continuing to conceal myself from others? I have always been so intensely private. Gregarious at times; but well protected and protecting. Now in these years, I'm deconstructing myself and arranging the pieces for all (well, more) to see as if on a blanket on the ground.

And I think I've been curious about how I must appear in meditation and prayer. So...I suppose this is fairly close. I prepared the camera in advance and set the self-timer. After I had gotten in a meditative space I reached over and tripped the shutter, trying to remain 'in the zone' and as unselfconscious as I could manage. I think it went ok, actually. And so this is what appeared.

It feels very odd to share this. I may replace it later with something else...depending upon how this all plays out interiorly.

OK...back to whatever you were doing...looking at other blips. Do you feel like a spiritual voyeur? LOL

What an odd exercise! LOL

Lectio Divina

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