Up close and personal

Wet leaves - because there really isn't a lot else to see just now. Another working day where just as I felt I was making progress something would jump out of left field that needed attending to. Not a complaint; simply a description.

Wonderful surprise this evening though. Text from Rowan asking if I'd pick her up as she'd forgotten her key so she was stuck outside the house. Scooted over and while I was en route she suggested we call at the chippy on the way back so we both enjoyed a meal lovingly prepared by a sweaty bald bloke and then we had a snuggle on the sofa. She'd arranged the next leg of her journey so she was soon whisked away again but it was lovely to spend a bit of time with her.

I'm not a fan of winter and it's really settling in now; damn cold and raining just now but we're promised sleet to lighten the mood. I'm definitely giving some thought to hibernating for a few months; a couple of duvets on the bed and a flask of tea for when I wake up. I'm really surprised that more people don't do this.

We've got this Wednesday done now amigos so get geared up for a rocking Thursday. Forza!

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