Global Attitude

By GlobalAttitude


I arrived home from work tonight as the kids were all sitting down to a dinner my husband had cooked, since I was late. Again. Honestly, I've tried so hard to leave the office at a decent time each evening this week, but urgent issues always seem to come up in the late afternoon.

I was starving. but there wasn't much left after the kids ate. I also wanted to go to German Quiz night at Lulu's, but my husband still had conference calls, and I was going to need to pick up a daughter from her study group at 9pm, leaving us only a narrow window to chat & eat. So I begged my husband to splurge and take me around the corner for a quick dinner out at Thiesmann's. It was so nice to escape, if only briefly, and have someone else make a nice meal and do the clean up :)

I super-imposed one image over another for this evening's blip, as neither photo was particularly wonderful - but I think the whole is greater than the sum of its parts :)

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