Why Be Serious?

By BlackmailGnome

Snapping it Old School

I will hold my hands up and admit that I envy people using DSLR cameras. Whether it be an entry level model or a professional full frame, I often look like a kicked puppy when someone whips out their camera body. And when they change lens, willpower is needed in buckets to stop my green tinged urges....

I cannot afford my own camera - the Canon A560 point and shoot that I use is a loaner. A DSLR as an investment is nothing short but a fairy tale in my near future...

Yet I continue, as I believe I have something to give - not the camera but me. Every day I edge closer to that shot, every picture taken is a step closer, every composition is a nod towards the end.

Perhaps I should not worry about the materials or equipment, no sparkling new camera will replace what is held within. Perhaps limiting myself will put a spark into my pictures - a spark that more advanced equipment sometimes misses.

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