This Campanula was blipped back in the summer featuring a bee and as you can see, it is flowering again, despite the cold wind.
This morning I didn't want to leave the sanctuary of my own bed. Out side was dark, cold and damp. urgh...... But as soon as I flicked the bedside light on, turned off the alarm, I was in robotic mode!! And so it was, got to work almost on time, fullfilled my role as Office Administrator/PA and accommplished some washing on my return. Also been and had a hair cut so I dont look like Worzel Gummidge any longer. Now I have to pack for tomorrow's going away for 4 days. Will hopefully be able to blip from my mobile but it will be a limited connection in terms of connection.
Hope you have all survived a very wet, windy Wednesday and will try and keep you posted on our Falmouth trip. Keep safe, keep loving, and keep giving of yourself in an unselfish way.
Off to pack - nighty night:))
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