Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Climbing the walls

Nearly blown off my feet by a gust of wind that came from nowhere like a large dog then disappeared as rapidly as it came, having cleaned the trees of leaves and causing deep puddles to explode with spray. Walking at lunchtime was never so adventurous before. The sun came out later and we had a fire drill. People enjoyed the very fresh air, it was all over in minutes, a health and safety quickie so's to speak.

I saw these autumnal walls and stripped climbers and thought how pretty the colours looked.

Went to parents evening straight after work. Battling traffic in the rain but it was worth it. The Dizzle was described in glowing terms by his teachers. Also had a lovely call from The Girl Racer - love it when she rings out of the blue - and a happy homecoming from Top Gun who seems really energised by his new job.

Had to do some very boring work tonight after all that (and fish and chips too!) but relaxed with a glass of wine after.

House is cosy and warm and full of cats now and it's time for bed...

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