Through my Eyes

By Kelso

My Meg

Meg is my step-daughter but I always tell her she is the daughter of my heart, the daughter I always wanted. I met her Dad when she was 6 and she is now a beautiful and kind 24-year old. I am so blessed to have her in my life. She came down tonight and had dinner with us and just being with her cheered us up considerably. I am lucky to be able to practice my portrait-taking attempts on such a pretty and willing subject!

Thank you so very much for your compassionate comments and hearts for my boy Bogan. I am indebted to you, my friends, for your kind support as we take this journey with Bogan. You sent him to the Spotlight, which I deeply appreciate, but the fact that you take time out of your busy lives to let me know we have your good wishes means the world to me.

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