Parked Up

It is the DIG group (The Boss’s photo group) coffee morning and he decided I needed some more coffee shop training, so we walked into town as it gently rained.
The aforementioned training takes place outside the coffee shop where I am anchored to a bit of railing….Put the phone down…It IS covered….and expected to stay there when I can clearly see all my friends through the glass and would want to say hullo to them.

The training procedure is for me to BARK and The Boss (on the other side of the glass) will stand, tap the glass to get my attention and give me “The Finger” which is a bit like a facebook “unlike” gesture, but with animations, and I will promptly sit.

THEY, will continue to do unspeakable stuff through the glass like eating Tan Square (no Calories on a Thursday) and Muffins that could solve the worlds food problems in one go and glug coffee EXCEPT The Boss, who guzzles lo cal cola instead. AND it can get VERY noisy for some reason, and I struggle to see what they are laughing about so I B… again and the loop rrrrrestarts.

Well I suppose it’s a living Eh?

I thought that this car and the tree made an interesting image against the sky so I got The Boss to capture it on his Iphone. I had left my dPhone at home. Memo to self about that.

Oh and the sun came out later.

Check the number plate?

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