
By CharlotteJ


My parents celebrate 55 years of marriage on 17th Dec but as Chris and I will be in South Africa I am holding a family celebration at ours on 7th December. This is their card! I would love to say I made it myself but sadly not!! Its smaller than hoped but I am sure Mum and Dad will love it.

In-between work and study I have been planning table decorations and such things! Nine adults for dinner and one high chair. I have ordered the chair covers (we are going posh for this one!), I have ordered a white table cloth, I have an emerald table runner on order, I have ordered emerald coloured balloons and I have splashed out on emerald coloured square plates. The champers has been ordered and the gift arrived a few days ago. I now just need to remember to order the leg of lamb my sister and I agreed on and away we go! I just now need to find green foil to re wrap the chocolates and it’s all done apart from cooking dinner and putting nine people up overnight!!

Back to today, I am about to finish work and then I am having a study afternoon and then Chris and I are off out for dinner with my wonderful friend Rachael and her hubby......her text message read '21st Nov, table booked Jamie Oliver’s, you need a break'. I wasn’t going to refuse!

Much love everyone


PS just noticed this is my 550 blip.....ties in nicely with todays theme!

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