
By Purplepants

pretty sweet smellng lilies

End of a long day...

Another EB - lilies (same ones!) always make me feel good though; I love their smell.
I have very carefully cut the stamens off as soon as each flower opened because I was shocked (after years of owning cats and having lilies in the house!) to discover that the pollen from lilies can kill cats if they ingest it (by cleaning it off themselves) because it causes renal failure! I have not seen Myki on the table but you never know...

THE REPORTS ARE DONE! (until June...)

Thanks for your support on the Horrible Histories here is what The board of censors say (copied and pasted from the web site):-

"A PG film should not disturb a child aged around eight or older. Parents should consider whether the content might upset younger or more sensitive children." . also
"....the certificate means that any issues in the work are appropriate for the majority of this age group and nothing should upset a child of eight or over".

I am therefore not doing anything wrong by using them for the 8-11 age ranges that I teach.... but I do feel that it has been made my problem as I have been told not to use them until parents have been consulted.... odd, given that I have had it written into my lesson plans (which are checked by the Director of Studies every week) for 3 years now.
No 'consulting' will happen unless I push it...

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