Sue's Eye View

By SuesEyeView

Rockin' Robin

I set myself a challenge this morning to capture my first garden bird for today's blip.

After finishing my chores, I set up the tripod on the patio, wrapped up warm and waited ........

..... for the first half an hour I could hear the birds, but they decided not to show themselves and I had started to get cold and stiff. I mentally told myself it would be worth it and just hang on for a wee while longer. After another half an hour I saw movement in the bushes and thankfully managed to grab this shot.

It was only when I tried to get up that I realised "I was stuck" - I'd been kneeling down for over an hour and my joints had locked up. This does happen to me from time to time, so I knew I just had to roll onto my side and wait until I could stretch out my legs again.

Note to Self:- Use a stool next time!!!

Have a lovely weekend everyone. xxx


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