An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Winter Lady's Mantle...

Go large for the jaggy edges :)

Lovely to see the Lady's Mantle is as reliable for a blip in winter as it is in Spring :))

It was so beautiful this morning I had to get 10 minutes in the garden. When the sun is shining there are just so many lovely things to photograph. Spent a while taking shots of the berries and golden leaves on one of the trees and only took two quick shots in passing of the Lady's Mantle. Of course Sod's Law means those shots turned out much better than the carefully composed ones! I obviously overthink shots as invariably the ones I prefer are always the ones grabbed in passing!

In other news, I have been a bad girl. A very bad girl.

I clicked onto the Aga Cookshop website just for a wee nosey well we do need some new hot plate covers and have ended up spending a bloody fortune slightly more than I intended. Oops.

Don't tell David. I'll just wrap it all up and give it to him at Christmas marked With love from SANTA :)) Hope he's not here when the delivery arrives!

Alternatively I shall ply him with wine tonight and just as he's about to nod off on the sofa, I shall quietly mention my purchases. That way when it arrives and he's going nuts I can truthfully say I told him at the time and he didn't complain ;-)))

Happy Friday Peeps xx

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