A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

On the run

It's hard to know whether I didn't slow down / stop for this picture because I was worried I wouldn't start running again or because I was worried about the affect on my splits. I may have become someone who worries about her splits. Feel free to chortle and mock away, if I told you the times we are talking about you would roll your eyes a lot. Still it seems to keep part of me happy.

The rest of the day has followed the pattern of the rest of the week in being full to bursting in many and varied ways. The oddest of which was the squeezing in of lunch with a friend that I really should have cancelled due to work commitments but as this is the third rearranging I really didn't feel I could. That isn't the odd bit. That was when the bill came and I put my card on it and he turned to me and said, "thanks very much" - !! For various reasons I let it go but needless to say it will be a while before the next one!

Now to collect Anna from her musical theatre class and hopefully find out what part she has in the next production. This term she has moved up a group and is the youngest again so I was surprised by the part she went for. Don't tell her I said so but she has slightly overshot. However she assures me she just wanted to go for it and will be pleased with whatever she gets. I'm really hoping her read of the situation is better than mine...

Happy Friday!

Lesley x

UPDATE: Anna didn't get the part she auditioned for but did get one main part and, as he dies (is splurged - it's Bugsy Malone) in the first half, two minor ones in the second. All infinitely more suitable for her and she is delighted.

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