
By Shugs

What a day!

Started early, around 5:45, packed the van and off we went.

An expected gathering of almost five hundred kids and it was drizzling, not the best start but we were optimistic. An hour after getting set up the kids gathered and within ten minutes the sun came out.

The rest of the day was just great, an idols competition with some jaw dropping performances from some severely disabled kids. A sharing of school chants as they cheered on their own was at times painful on the ears.

Big lumps settled in most throats when the winner of the kids funding competition (bottom picture) was announced. Precious sent her letter saying that if she won the money she would give it to her mum to enable her to pay for chemotherapy as she had breast cancer. Her Mom was at the prize giving clearly unaware of what her daughter had asked for, I will leave it up to your imagination to figure out the emotions involved.

Great kids, great entertainment, loads of hugs and cuddles, smiles and great fun.

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