Nir Levy Photography

By nir

Homemade Lens

A while back, I convinced my mother to buy a DSLR. So I used to set it up on a tripod with all sorts of lights and took pictures of small objects for stock use. One day, while I was doing this someone called me, and the conversation didn't last too long, but it distracted me enough to watch TV, surf the web, and completely forget about my light set up in the basement. The good news: My house did not go up in flames. The bad: One of the lights fell down on to the lens, and melted the manual-auto focus switch.

I had to buy my mom a new lens off of ebay (thank god nothing happened to the camera), and somehow a year later managed to convince my parents that I could take care of my own camera.

So with my own set up, that old half melted lens served no function so I decided to take it apart. It isn't a good lens, but I call it a super macro lens. What I did was I completly took out the interior, stuck a peice of glass in the middle, played with its location, and managed to get it stuck in there pretty good with styraphome (sp?).

I look forward to posting a low quality image producered from my very own lens. Next step, one of those cool lego cameras you I read about somewhere. That or I'll have to find another lens to melt.

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