From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

One day the sun will shine on me...

There was me bouncing out of bed and full of beans at 4:56 this morning keen to take hold of the day by the balls scruff of the neck, conquering the world at work before finally going down the canal with my wellies on in search of a rare, perfect picture for today's blip. didn't quite happen like that.

The shower revived me anyway and after breakfast number one, I started up the laptop. Sat in my window seat in the front room at 6:30am, I could tell it was going to be a beautiful but chilly day. It wasn't much later before the skies changed to this wonderful orange and I had to take my chance, grab my camera and ran upstairs. I opened my bedroom window and got a couple of shots before I noticed Mustang Man looking up at me menacingly. I quickly shut the window and fled downstairs.

By the way, if you don't hear from me again after today, it's because Mustang Man has called round and chopped me into tiny pieces with his chain saw and put me out for the squirrels to eat. They will eat anything.

I fancied something completely different for breakfast number two today so I decided to have a cheese and onion omelette.

The rest of the day passed fairly peacefully but I got bogged down in a report at the end of the day that seemed OK until I put my parameters in. I have a duff join somewhere. First job for Monday....

As I'd taken my picture so early in the morning, I didn't feel the need to go for a tramp down the canal. The tramps would be safe for another day.

Track? I put my iphone music on random while sorting out my case upstairs (including passport this time for coming back) and this was one of my favourite Gary Moore tracks which popped out first - Still Got The Blues

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