A Mini Surprise

Started today off with bible study and Merrilee made the way from Mui Wo to DB all by herself. She did really well and it was just super to have her back leading our study again. Amazing progress.

I spotted this car looking ever so cute in the grounds of St John's cathedral yesterday and really wanted to blip it. It looks like it has loads of character! I would sooooo love one. I don't even mind the yellow colour.

Met up with Martin for dinner in the plaza and as much as we had a fantastic light meal, I had two electric blue margaritas which knocked me out for 7s! I usually have a very high tolerance for alcohol so was surprised that after just two drinks I really needed to get to bed AND I didn't even blip!! Shock horror!!! Going to have to go back and find out exactly what the combination of spirits was!!!

Thankful again for Merrilee's excellent progress and a very restful day.

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