Wellington on a good day.....

Wellington sure does sparkle on a good day, and today is.

Janelle and Rob wanted to do some Christmas shopping without the children so Nana and Grandad took Ella and Harry to Oriental Bay to do some scootering along the shore front.  The water was so appealing and even at 10.30 am there were hordes of swimmers and beach bunnies.   After riding the scooters for a while, sneakers off and into the cool water.

We then went to The Brewery for lunch, can't beat outdoor dining when the weather is ace! By the time lunch was done, the beach was seething ...time to leave, yes!!

We are off shortly out to Lower Hutt for the 50th wedding anniversary dinner party of Doug's sister and husband.  Spit Roast Co are doing the catering.  I've been commandeered to do the family photos before the guests arrive, we are going out a little earlier.

Must fly, sorry I'm very absent from blip ....too much else happening, you understand don't you.


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