Pictures by Ahti's dad

By hevosmies

On the edge (A slushy round at Ahmo)

I played a round of disc golf at Ahmo Disc Golf Park at Siilinjärvi. The course is mostly built on a low ridge going around a sports field. On many tracks you have to watch that your disc doesn't end up too much left because then it will easily roll down to the sports field. And take at least one extra throw to get it back on the fairway. Since on a couple of tracks the baskets were close to the edge of the ridge that could happen with long drives as well as putts.

You guessed it, I missed the basket slightly in this one. But luckily it didn't go all the way down. I already was there, with my opening throw (a short track). But making the throw from steep slushy ridge proved to be tricky. While trying to approach the disc I ended up sliding all the way down, getting my trouser legs wet. Climbing from below I made it, but with the lousy foothold I missed the basket again. Luckily this time it ended up in a position for an easy putt.

For the first time this autumn the wind was minimal. So I don't even have an excuse for the bad outcome on the course:)

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