The morning after the night before..

I had a lovely dinner party last night....see yesterday's blip.........J cooked which was even nicer! We had friends who live in Dorset who we don't get to see very often.

The menu : Potted salmon cooked three ways.
Beef wellington with Dauphinoise potatoesm broccoli and mangetout.
Apple and cinnamon cake.


Then this morning L woke me at 7am along with the cat who was crying to get in! It was a beautiful morning.....misty and still. I took a few shots of the hills in the mist and then stood quietly watching this cow feeding her calf. This is just outside our garden. It was lovely just standing in peace and stillness with no other cows or peaople in sight. A lovely way to start the day. Then the peace was broken by a black cat rushing up the road....lucky I hope!

The blip shows the cat racing past and then the cow watching it which she did for quite a while.....just checking it wasn't going to come back and attack her calf or just idle curiosity perhaps.

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