Saturday: That Time Of Year

For dogwithnobrain those who cast doubts as to whether I could actually make a Christmas cake, here is the beauty just before it went in the oven.......

I hadn't actually intended to make one this year but my boss' wife, who is Canadian, asked me to show her how it was done so we made them together this morning.  Prior to that she plied us with a cooked breakfast and Bucks Fizz/Mimosas.  I then brought my cake down the road to bake - fortunately we live quite near each other - and it is now doing just that.  Anyway, we had a good time doing it - she is only making it out of wifely love as she despises all types of fruit cakes!

For the rest, we are having a quiet day.  I am travelling tomorrow, it is raining and a bit damp, and we had some worrying news about a dear friend yesterday which is making us a little quiet and pensive.......

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