Photos in A Major

By A

Lightening does strike three times

Same route, same day, same delay, missed same flight. Am very very very annoyed with the french national carrier today. Apparently the reason they were late leaving my beloved Manchester was because it has only one runway!

Yes, only one runway, it is obviously Manchester's fault, unless somebody has been in and nicked the other one overnight! You may have though Air Chance (as they now will be referred to) may have known about this when they published the schedule. It is also worth noting that KLM, BA, Flybe.....etc etc can all operate from this airport with only one runway.

Anyhow, the upshot of this is another day in CDG, waiting for a flight and hoping that tomorrow's trial will not be wrecked because I didn't make it too the factory today.

You may well ask, why am I flying with them again...well in my infinate wisdom I booked the two trips together. I have my last flight back on Friday, and then never never never again!

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