
By Yeda

A Day in The Garden

Most of my day was spent trying to slowly break my back. I give it ten years.

Seriously, it just feels great to be out there battling the weeds, dead-heading the flowers, pruning, pulling, digging, hauling loads of debris to the compost. The peace and quiet here rejuvenates my spirit (especially when the kids are at school). Approaching autumn is very pleasant. It was a bright & sunny day, with a cool breeze wafting through the trees above. Though many view Fall as a season of rest and harvest, I can't keep from thinking about plans for next Spring. Expanding for a large vegetable patch and a cutting flower patch is on the agenda. For now, though, I'm perfectly happy tending what is already here.

Watching the bug life in the garden is also quite enjoyable. It's interesting to discover that many types of bees visit. This one is different from the ones I've seen earlier in the year. I just love the golden "glitter" on his wings against the pink of this fuzzy flower. A little magical, yes?

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