Bumps in the Road

By JimJ

Bouncing back

I always imagined that babies learn to crawl overnight, or almost in an instant. I never imagined the process to take weeks, if not months to fully achieve. Well, based on today's evidence I would have to say that four days shy of being eleven months old, our wee man can officially crawl. He's still not completely committed. He's pensive, calculated even. But if he wants to cross the room, he's now able.

Thankfully he's almost over his cold too. His nose is drying up nicely so I managed to take him out on a few activities this weekend. Joined by my friend Li Sheng, we took a little drive over to North Berwick, where the wee man won the affection of all the waitresses in Cake. He's such a little flirt.

Once we returned home, he insisted on playing with all his toys. He even pretended to read his books, saying "Yay, yay, yay" as he flicked through the pages.

A simple cold won't dampen this wee man's spirits!

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