Fear & Loathing

By McDawg

remains of the day.............

some days you really struggle for what to blip and then suddenly you just know.....well today was one of those days.
i got in from work and when i went out into the garden to see bebec she was in her usual spot only today she had decided to garnish the area with the few feathers that remained of the pigeon she ate. yep that's right, somehow my faithful old mutt had managed to catch herself a pigeon and as would be expetecd i suppose, she ate it. well most of it. i did find a foot and a ffew feathers with some meat still attached.
the second surprise came in finding this wasp feasting on some of the meaty remains..........i can honestly say i had no idea that wasps would eat flesh. maybe i should have known this little fact but i didn't.
anyway thought this was a more interesting image than the one of bebec sitting looking smug and surrounded by feathers.

have a good night folks...........

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