
By Stace91

I Feel The Need.... For Speed!

"So Stacy, what did you do today?"
Oh you know, got up checked the weather, checked Facebook, chilled for a bit and watched some telly. Oh, dad and I went on a HARLEY DAVIDSON!!!

Back in May it was dads 60th birthday and I got him a voucher for a Harley trike tour for the both of us, if you're going to experience something fun and dangerous you have to take someone with you ;-)

Today was the day! So we put on our "just cruising" shirts and headed down to Stanwell Tops which is down the south coast of New South Wales, just outside of Sydney. As we arrived a little early dad and I stopped to watch some hang gliders and para gliders, there is something oddly fascinating about someone casually leaping off the side of a cliff and letting the wind carry them away. We also admired some of the bikes that were around and took in the view of the beach below. We set off back to our destination where we met Steve who was the seriously radical man taking us for our ride.

After we suited up with jackets and helmets we got comfy in our seats, sat back and went cruising down the royal national park. There is nothing like riding on the back of a bike down a mountain and taking in the Australian scenery, with the sound of cicadas in the air and the rev of the bike I was in rev-head heaven!

After driving along the freeway we stopped off at a place called Bulli for a cup of coffee and a chat with Steve. We also got to take photos by the lookout. He showed us the road down below that we would be taking back and off we went.

Back on the bike the wind brushing against my face, as well as the occasional bug smacking me in the side of the cheek, we headed down through the main town centre where some locals stopped and stared, some waving and my dad couldn't help but feel like a celebrity and wave back. Some tourists even took photos, no doubt we are now on some Japanese mans Facebook page.

After leaving the town centre it was along the coast we went, riding alongside the beach where you could smell the sea air, along a bridge which on one side was the mountain and on the other was water... Riding along in such an open space was one of the most amazing things I have ever done and to be with my dad was a great bonding moment.

When we got back and got in our car it was kind of disappointing... Cars are so boring after you have been for a ride on a bike :-P we pulled through and are going to save up to go for a 6 1/2 hour bike tour next year along the southern highlands. Cannot wait!!!

What a way to spend a Sunday, if you ever come to Australia the best way to see the sights is on bike. Trust me!

Hope you all had a fab weekend :-D


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