SundaySkies #7

I have to stop staring at clouds. Mind you today it's allowed because it's official! It's SundaySkies time. I was arriving home from having deposited the last of the staging gear into storage with a personal promise to myself that there'd be no more lugging speakers and hefting dimming racks and connecting gear and climbing ladders and running cable and marking scripts and attending rehearsals and such until well into next year.

Oops no blip! I parked the car in the garage, emerged with a camera, went click once and retired inside with a hefty glass of wine, just in time to watch the 50th Anniversary Dr Who. This week I am going to rest up until I feel moved to get out and do some proper photo shoots again. The landline is going off the hook and the mobile is being switched off. If anyone asks ... I have left town.

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