
By serpentine

The Modest Conqueror of Everest - Twice!

This lovely man said namaste to me this morning on my walk around the backs and we got talking about what he did for a living as he spoke good English. Amongst other things he has been a trekking guide and has climbed Annapurna 1, Daulagiri and Everest twice. He was very matter of fact about it all and talked about the Sherpas and the loads they carried, giving them enormous credit for his success in guiding westerners to the summits.

The cows and bulls here eat everything. Banana skins and cardboard boxes are favourite. The latter they will place under a hoof to hold it down and then tear off strips and eat with relish to the last mouthful.

I found the most incredible complex of spider webs on razor wire around the local prison - 4 watch towers with guards with guns at the ready - and many people were prepared to be photographed this morning. Another find was a home for street children who were having their morning chia with the matron. Several boys spoke good English and told me they were off to school at nine and would be changing into uniform. I watched a tree being felled, soldiers jogging with their leader on his mobile and women loading up their doku with fine sand and carrying it up the 6 stories of a new hotel to be made into cement. a fewpics to flick through here

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