Day Today

By Feathers14

Lads on Touring Bikes

Wake up nice and early on Saturday, then straight back to bed for a bit longer. I do love weekends!

Mum and Dad came up to see me today (they're not fans of the beard) albeit briefly and unconventionally; Mum went to Birmingham to catch up with a friend who she hasn't seen in ages whilst Dad and I went with Uncle Paul (also not a fan of the beard) to the NEC Arena in Birmingham for a massive motorcycle expo. It was so sick. There was the national model railway convention happening at the same time in a different hall, but we gave that one a miss.

Bike stands everywhere to check out all the models (anyone who's been to any bike show before will know that that was an excellent play on words :P) and loads of opportunity to dream of which bike to get. There was a huge show area right in the middle of the arena where people were doing bike stunts and showing off etc. The whole vibe was great and I think I do know which bike I'd like to eventually get once I've passed my test. It isn't the above bike; tourers just don't really do anything for me at the moment. Nor do leather tassels.

In the evening I stopped off at Eve's for a hug and a drink and then headed on to campus with Axel and a lot of surf people for a joint night at Skool Dayz with Surf and Snow. Snow tour is drawing ever nearer and I just.can't.wait.



An iPhone shot to save the day. Last time I was at the NEC was for focus on imaging and there were cameras everywhere. I think I'm glad I forgot my camera as I wasn't busy trying to shoot the action and could focus on the bikes.

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