Catching Fire!!!!!!

Today was good.
I got up at half 11 after going to bed at 1:30pm last night! - (or should I say this morning?!)
Anyways, so I did a bit of homework and then had lunch.

In the afternoon I went to the cinema with the Cowlings (Anna, Will & Josh) to see the next Hunger Games movie - Catching Fire. It was sooooooooooooooo good!
Then I went back to the Cowlings' house for tea.
Anna & I played her piano for a bit (practicing for the concert) and we also watched some Topsy & Tim episodes! - Both the old and new ones. Anna's got me well and truly hooked now!!!

In the evening we had our piano concert. Anna, Grace & I have the same piano teacher and each November he holds a Pupils' Concert. It was at Blue Coat school which is a really posh private school, so that was quite nice! I played one of my pieces sooo badly, but the other one went okay.
It was quite long though and I was nearly asleep by the end!

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