Flicker vs Starling

Sitting at the table. Eating breakfast and reading the Sunday paper. Look up... and what do I see? The Yellow Shafted Northern Flicker is at the suet feeder. I can't go out on the deck to photograph him as he is very shy and takes off the minute he sees or hears me. So I sneak up to the kitchen window with my camera and 200-600 equivalent zoom at the ready...

Bless him! He decides to get annoyed with a starling who wants to share the feeder. You can see the whole series of photos on Chaikins of Bellingham. I am really happy because I've been wanting to show his beautiful yellow under-feathers to all of you. Now I can. And to see this photo large, look here. I chose this one because of the action and all those wonderful yellow feathers. The one of him flying was a close second but the window glare made that one a bit lower in quality. Please do take the link to the whole series to see more of this gorgeous fellow.

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