Treasure Everywhere

By RobT

Sunday Morning Film Club

As an occasional treat for our friends down the road we offer to take their kids off their hands for a couple of hours to watch a film round at ours. The kids see it as a treat too as they get to run around at 'Uncle' Rob and 'Auntie' Ann's house, watch a funny kids' film and we pop our own popcorn on the stovetop.

Whenever we've done this it's been on a Sunday morning, so we call it... Sunday Morning Film Club!

We started it for Mike and Amanda's kids a few years back and now they've been joined by Bob and Laura's youngest two. So today we had four of them to wrangle...

Here we have Wilson (aged 4, just visible), Imogen (5), Emily (8) and Ethan (10) rapt in attention at 'Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs'. Yay for Netflix :-)

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