Reasons to smile...

By Lauraiea

Dad's awareness or nationalist garlic bread

My dad made him and my mum garlic bread to go with their spaghetti tonight.

The interesting touch to his garlic bread was the either SNP logo or the awareness raising ribbon made of spaghetti, not sure what it was that appeared on top. Perhaps it is a sign. I'm not sure what of.

He also dropped his new wallet in his fruit salad and yogurt. When I was little I thought the silly things he did were to entertain me but now I realise they are accidental, and that I am genetically similar in that respect.

He made me a stuffed pepper which was nice. He gets hurt feelings if I don't compliment his cooking skills.

I am still utterly full of the cold and misery. I have a really busy week til Friday and am stressing a bit at the thought of it all but it's all about eating the elephant isn't it, one bite at a time. And the cold can't last forever. And tomorrow is my longest day I think so its my frog of the week. A diet of elephants and frogs, I think that will be my new blog title.

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