
By Sevan

Clock Tower, Cahors

Day 10
Distance: 143.91 km, Top Speed: 63.4 kmph.

I began by visiting the geese which, coincidentally, I had been to over a decade earlier with my parents.

While cycling past a t-junction along the ridge of a cluster of hills, I spotted another cyclist coming the other way. By chance, both him, myself and the stalk of the 't' all lined up at almost the exact same moment. He waved at me to stop, then crossed the road to come and talk to me. As it happened, the stalk of the 't' was his driveway! His English was perfect, and he invited me for a quick drink and a chat.

He cycled on a semi-electric recumbant bike, had three dogs, twice as many cats and was a tree surgeon by trade. When I asked him about the severed branches on the adjacent tree, he chuckled and said: "Don't look at that. A good cobbler always has bad shoes.", a fairly standard French expression apparently.

I carried on, snacking at various roadside fruit stalls, and ended up staying the night in Montauban.

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