"It's like it has actually exploded"

says Will the explosion loving boy. This is normally a very well behaved cake, dont quite know what went wrong. Tastes as lovely as ever though.

I have cooked lots of thing today, now I wont cook anything else until next weekend. Greatest triumph was onion bhajees which I have never cooked before and very very easy and very lovely although I was also happy with the jar of jam made from very squashy strawberries and kiwi fruit. The cake was prob the biggest disaster and that isnt a disaster at all if you close your eyes. And I read lots of newspapers that I had been collecting for the last few weeks. Will had a friend round whose mum I like v much and we had a good catch up when she came to pick him up.

AND I have made £50 from selling some random bits on ebay. Always a good thing.

edit: Oh my goodness, I can hardly bear to look at one year ago. This is the last documented sighting of Bunny. He was around at Christmas and then at the end of January we realised he was lost, no idea where or how. Will still cries about him now :(

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