'We are what we do.'

By Hasywell


Learning the essence of contentment and to accept things as they are, not question too much, only when it is really absolutely necessary and just enjoy the moment is a hard skill and attitude to master. Every day I can feel myself getting better at this however there are times when I slip straight back into that self doubt and question too much and forget to live in the moment. Self sabotage is what I call it.

I guess, though, when you have been through hard times with people and relationships, which leave their scars and demons, this isn't a surprise. Whilst i cannot allow the past to rule the present or the future and i do need to cut myself some slack at times and not be too hard on myself or so self critical. I need to remember that there are many more days in which I do live for the moment and enjoy all that life can offer than those days of self sabotage. Today is a day which could have been easily been one of self sabotage but through choices and help (given unknowingly) it has been a day of living in the moment.

Three beautiful things:

This morning's sunrise and light. Such a beautiful time of the year.

Jem and Millie - who are always pleased to see me!

An unplanned trip to the cinema

One thing to be grateful for:
the love and friendship of others

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