365 Bavarian days survived

Luna came to us from Berlin exactly one year ago when she was almost 4 months old. It was a day I will never forget, a 700km night drive to Berlin and then the same back with Luna who really did hate car journeys. It took a lot longer than normal as I tried to make lots of stops to let her take a break. In the evening when we got home, she quickly got settled in. The first evening was full of interest with Flash not really knowing what to make of her.

Well 365 days later, quite a few of those on Blip, she has developed in to a wonderful member of the chaotic family. She remains a hyper active, frisbee junkie, still weary of the horses (luckily) but no longer frightened. She gets on wonderfully with all four cats and has never done any harm to any of the hens or chicks but still occasionally charges in the direction of the bantams when they are strolling in the garden, enjoying the startled fluttering of wings. The normal hens totally ignore her.

Luna has been a real tonic for Flash. He was in a poorly state a year ago. The vet had predicted he would not live to see his 10th birthday in August 2013. Well at the moment he is alive and well, much of the time taking the lead in the games with Luna. Sure he's no longer a teenager and has phases when he wants peace & quiet (just like me) and I guess from time to time he misses the days when he was an only child but Luna has in total been good for him.

Luna also brought a new friendship for Angie and myself, one with her previous owners, Alina, Matteo, Steffi and Oliver, who managed to visit us this summer and the plans for the same in 2014 are already made. A lovely family. I have previously written on my views as to how much I applaud their decision to find a new home for Luna despite the heartache it would bring. I just wish more people had the courage.

It's been a fun year, some moments of anxiety and frustration, quite a lot of dog shampoo has been washed down the drain with strange smelling other semi liquid substances. I expect in a year that she will be a young lady and have made another big leap forward. It would be nice if Flash is still with us then and I'm sure Luna will do her best to keep her step Grandad on his (aching) legs. Angie can then get her orange coloured trousers out again for the 2014 Blip

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