Our Journey is a process

By journeysprocess

Winter Trees

I took this photo this evening about 1/2 hour after sunset. I wasn't sure if this would come out, but when I got back home I was pleasantly surprised. I just boosted the contrast slightly.

As many of you know, I am a fairly outgoing person. Yet, I love times of solitude and quiet. The last two weeks have been hectic and chaotic and full of emotion. So, it has been difficult for me to find those times of peace and quiet that I need.

As I was coming back from my evening walk, I felt so refreshed and invigorated. And I was enthused that I would have a little time tonight to review my photos, and upload one to blipfoto, and that I would have some time to look at your photos and comment.

It dawned on me how incredibly cathartic photography has become for me. I have really enjoyed taking my camera with me everywhere I go (yes, even to the grocery store). Looking at life through a frame has changed me, making so much more observant. My photography is becoming so much "my own" and is becoming much more satisfying. Oh, yes, there are times when I just want to throw the whole batch out. But, then, when I really think about what I am trying to say with my photos, I can find one that speaks to me.

Then, when I post that shot, I can do it without fear or trepidation. I know that I can get honest opinions delivered in very kind ways. I remember the day when one of you suggested a different f-stop which would have improved the effect that I was trying to give. That one comment caused me to spend some time researching how to get the effect that I wanted. It opened a whole new world of learning much more about aperatures. Then, at another time, there was a discussion about "sweet spots" for lenses that caused me to once again dive into what that really meant and how to effectively employ it. For most of you, there are very simple things. But, for me, they have been hugely helpful. Even last night I was reading a forum post about Active D-Lighting, which caused me to research out this topic to determine how to best apply it to my photography.

And then there is the wonderful friendships that have developed. You are all the most amazing group of people. I love hearing about your day, about your glories and your disappointments. And this is all shared with open hearts as you also share your photographs.

So, thank you from the very depths of my heart! Thank you for your encouragement. Thank you for your honesty. Thank you for your transparency. I deeply appreciate all of you!

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