Like A Puppy

Another frosty one today.

There was a mist hanging over the village and I wanted to go up above it this morning as I could see that the sun was starting to break through. However, I didn't want to go too far as the landscaper was due to arrive. It is lunchtime now and he still hasn't appeared. I guess he realised it was going to be too frosty to work on the slabbing.

So, took Roxy on a little walk closer to home. She must have got the scent of a little creature hiding amongst the long, frozen grass. It was head down and tail up. She as on a mission. After a while she gave up following the scent but was running back and forward through the grass just like a little pup. She was having a blast with flakes of frost sticking to her coat.

Not the best of shots but I loved that I caught her leaping through the grass. I think I know how I could have done this better so may have to try again. Any excuse!

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