hawk watch

It's been a wild morning!
First thing was at 5 am. Hubby took our dog out, then let her back in the house with her leash still on. When she ran into our bedroom to greet me her leash got caught under the open door and she yanked the door off its hinges! I must admit the door seems to be made of balsa wood because I could pick it up with one hand, and it was attached to the hinges with only two screws instead of six, but it was still quite startling!
Next was the opportunity of seeing this hawk (sharp-shinned?) in our neighborhood. That's a rarity.
And finally (at least I hope this is the final wild thing of the day), on our long morning walk with the dog she bolted after some deer (deer are not a rarity in the neighborhood). Fortunately the chase did not last too long, and Laney came back to our call. But she lost her collar, tags, and leash.
Obviously it is time for dog obedience school!

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