
5.0C bright with some thin cloud and a light breeze.

Apothecary7 went back to work today so Maeve the Deerhound and I were on our own again. Just before lunch Maeve wanted to go out in the back garden so I let her go to do what she had to do. I went out a few minutes later and found her not on a lawn but wandering along the path at the side of the house. As soon as she saw me she ran along the path and leapt over a small wall and a heather bed to get back onto the lawns. A leap of 6 to 8 feet. Then there was running in circles round the lawns. Getting better I think !

Maeve and I had our walk after lunch. We went down the field with the bridle path to the cycle path and across the level crossing and down to the beach. The tide was out quite far. Valhalla VI was moored at the outer edge of the channel in the rocks. We wandered right down to the water's edge and I got this shot and a few more.

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