jeni and the beans

By themessymama

Birthday party

Nearly at the end of the birthday season. Nearly. Today was Bear's birthday party all to himself. Being a pro at candles now we didn't get chance to sing happy birthday before he'd blown them all out, but he did keep trying to blow the big sparkler candle out that I'd got him! He's also now a pro at unwrapping presents. No longer does the wrapping paper hold more interest than the contents, oh no. He loved going and getting the next present, bringing it round to the centre of the floor (this boy loves attention!) and sitting and unwrapping it. Clothes got flung into a pile ("I'm wearing clothes, why do I need trousers?" "It's not cold, I don't need a jumper right now" kind of reactions!) but toys he was actually hopping with excitement about :) Lots of duplo and dinosaurs, and a Tonka motorbike that might actually withstand Bear playing with it!

We had fireworks after the birthday cake, and although these were definitely better value for money than the ones we got for Bean, Bear was definitely less keen on them despite watching them from indoors this time. Hmm.

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