
By AfterDark

Yashica 635 (1958)

A twin-lens reflex camera (TLR)

Here is a Yashica 635 (TLR) made in Japan (1958) its part of my collection and may have to go for auction soon.. It's a dual Format 6x6 - 120mm Roll film and it can also be converted to work with a kit allowing the use of 35mm ...

No batteries or light meter in this Camera, and still works great..

The only minor issue with this particular model is that the shutter is not locked or coupled to the film advance knob, this means you really must advance the film 1x Click after each exposure.. kinda funny because the internet is now littered with accidental double exposed pictures, I am sure this surprised the owners when collecting their pictures from Kodak etc...

Here I am again with painting with light , this one is mainly lit up with candle light and a small touch of torch light.

Think I should have cleaned the lens before I started.. oppss..!

I also have a Yashica-Mat 124 G (1970) which has a light meter & is mint condition, So I think I will keep that one its a lot of fun when I am in the right mood...

Arrrhhh I gotta thin out my camera stuff - the better half is putting her foot down... ha ha ...

Keep Smiling...

~ taken with (Canon FDn 50mm F:1.4) at: f 16

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