
By Charlie17

7.45 a.m.

I am in a state of total shock this morning!
I had a very early appointment, 8.00 a.m, at my dentist in Fraserburgh. I was a bit early so I took this shot at the beach as the sun was about to rise. ( I think it changed its mind and went back to bed as it's grey and wet now)
Whatever, it was just a check up.
But no. She says I need three fillings and a replacement so that's four fillings! She tried to reassure me by saying that she thought they were small but I'm pretty sure I heard an echo from them.
I suspect the holes will be more like the gap I blipped yesterday.
My appointment isn't until April next year, but already I am feeling nervous!

Is it really almost twenty years since I saw Gene?
We saw them a couple of times and they were really good. They suffered a bit, I think, from comparisons to the Smiths.
I have a couple of their CDs and I really like this track Haunted By You.

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