Another trip up to Carnforth today for some more nasty business. Got a bit irritated with the pod random that isn't actually random in the car. It kept playing bands starting with 't' and then 'b' and then back to 't' and back to 'b' and consequently it kept playing the same bands, though it did sometimes put another letter such as a 'g' in. And I got really tangled up trying to figure out the pattern. If anyone knows how they program 'random', I would like to know.
Had a good run back though and was passing the stables at four so 'dropped in' for a ride as obviously it was too late to go back to the office. Jack's hayfever not too bad today (yes my horse has hayfever!).
I nearly killed this rose with my bad pruning skills a few years ago- this is the first year it's started flowering properly again. Been a long week - so glad it's Friday tomorrow. Yay!
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