9 Weeks today........

..........and to celebrate Minnie slept from 10pm through till just before 7am............let's see if she can repeat it tonight :)

It would be a dream if she would drop that 4am feed permanently - at the moment I am still waking at around 3am until around 5am as I am so used to being awake then.

I met a mum from the baby class for coffee today - we used to go to school together so we kind of knew each other. Home then for a bit - I struggle with these times when I have nothing planned, it doesn't sit well with me to do nothing but I know I need to stop filling my time too much as I'm pretty bushed and I look like crap too!

Tomorrow I am meeting a friend from work who is also on Maternity Leave - Evan is 4 months old now. I am so looking forward to a catch up proper rather than the FB and Instagram updates we currently have.

Simon just called and he is running late so I know he will appreciate the fire I have started in the snug :)

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