
By KirstyHalbert


Pentax K1000, Ilford HP5+, ISO 400

Slept much better tonight. The cat decided she liked M better than me, so she cosied up under the duvet draped over his feet. Not sure how M felt about it, but I was pretty happy. When we got up, Mum had already made a mammoth breakfast which we completely demolished, then M drove me out to the supermarket to get some medicine for him. We're both so disgustingly snotty!

We decided to have a family walk on the beach at Banff, as Mollydog can be let off the lead and won't run onto any roads (she's stone deaf and can't hear when we call her back). Dad got wet trying to jump a stream, I got wet trying to photograph Mollydog in the stream, and M and Mum stayed dry by keeping well away from any streams. Sensible but boring. Hilarious moment on the way back to the car as we climbed the steps to the pathway and Mollydog lost us. Obviously she couldn't hear Dad calling her, so we all started jumping up and down and waving at her in silence. All the other people on the beach must have thought we were lunatics. Sadly, Mollydog wasn't looking in our direction and belted off down the beach in pursuit of another family who sort of looked like us. Dad had to run after her while the rest of us just laughed.

We had so much fun on Beach #1 that we decided to drive a bit further up the coast to Beach #2. This time we all got wet trying to jump over a stream, Dad spectacularly so. Mum and I also found a bumper load of urchins washed up in the tideline, so we took two home for an emergency Blip some other day. M didn't want to touch them; I'm marrying such a city slicker.

By this point we were all starving, but we got home to the most delicious smell - Mum had left some beef olives to slow-cook while we were out. Mmmm! Everyone except M (poor thing) had a glass of wine and another mountain of food. Mum cooks too well. After our late lunch, M and I decided to get going back to Aberdeen again before the light went completely. We arrived home and managed to get a food shop sorted, then I cooked up a few different meals for when Mum and Dad visit next week on their way home to Yorkshire. I made mustard-y creamy chicken and re-fried broad-beans with onions, and a lamb curry. Good job we weren't hungry tonight or we might have eaten it! We're all set for Mum and Dad's visit, though.

We just vegged out for the rest of the night, watching TV and trying to ignore the mess I'd made in the kitchen.

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